How To Exercise For Good Health

Exercise is an activity that exerts force or moves the body in a variety of ways. Regular exercise is beneficial to health. By helping to organize the body and regulate emotions as well.
Including enhancing physical performance in various aspects, including durability, strength, balance and flexibility as follows at UFABET.
- Endurance (Endurance) helps the heart to be strong. So that the body can better transport oxygen to the cells and not get tired easily when doing strenuous activities
- Strength (Strenght) Helps to carry heavy loads, exercise, and do activities that require muscles to be better.
- Balance (Balance) helps to maintain balance. Including moving the body without falling easily
- Flexibility makes it easier to stretch, bend, or move around.
What are the types of exercise?
There are many forms of exercise. People tend to choose specific exercises that interest them. However, exercising in all its forms will improve all aspects of your fitness. The exercise is divided into 4 main types: aerobic exercise. Muscle training exercises stretching and exercises to promote balance as follows:
Aerobic Exercise
This type of exercise is consider essential to the functioning of the body. By helping to improve heart rate and breathing Helps expand blood vessel walls reduce blood pressure burn excess body fat lowering blood sugar levels reduce inflammation And increase good fat levels. Aerobic exercise in conjunction with weight loss also helps lower cholesterol levels.
You should do at least 30 minutes of continuous activity per day or 150 minutes per week, such as brisk walking , swimming, jogging, cycling or doing rhythmic activities. However, aerobic exercise should be within reasonable limits. You should not overdo it with difficulty breathing, dizziness, pain or tightness in your chest. or a burning sensation in the middle of the chest
However, every time you should warm up or relax your muscles. Sip enough water during exercise. Those with certain medical conditions, such as heart failure or kidney disease, should limit their fluid intake as directed by their doctor. Don’t drink too much water while exercising. You should also dress appropriately for the weather in case of exercising outdoors. and not exercising in places that are too cold or too hot Because it may be heatstroke if the weather is very hot. or a drop in body temperature in extreme cold weather
Strength Training
The body loses muscle mass with increasing age. Strength training exercises will help you build up the muscles that lost. You can use equipment for muscle training. rubber bands for exercise Or various home appliances to apply for muscle training. However, large muscle groups should exercise 2 days a week or more. And train each muscle for about 30 minutes at a time without training the same muscle group for 2 consecutive days
This type of exercise will help strengthen your muscles. stimulate bone growth lowering blood sugar help control weight Helps with body posture and balance as well as reducing stiffness or pain in the lower back and joints.
- You should start lifting weights or dumbbells weighing about 0.5–1 kg to allow your body to adjust. Starting with the light weight first. then gradually increase the weight This is because starting to train with too much weight can lead to injury.
- Gradually add more weight. to improve muscle training performance
- The equipment used to train the muscles should have a weight that the trainee can exercise the muscles in each set at least 8 times. It should not be so heavy that the trainee can not train the full number of reps in each set.
- Each muscle should trained. By starting to lift or exercise for 3 seconds, hold for 1 second and return to the starting position for another 3 seconds. However, the device should not be discarded immediately. But should relax slowly
- Each muscle should train approximately 10–15 times. may do as much as possible then gradually increase the number
- Do not hold your breath while training your muscles. as it may cause changes in blood pressure especially those with heart health problems
- You should breathe regularly while exercising. by inhaling through the nose and exhale through the mouth You can also breathe in and out both through your nose and mouth if you feel uncomfortable breathing. You should exhale. When exerting yourself. and inhale. When the strength is relieve
- Each exercise should done slowly and at the right point. should not in too much of a hurry to prevent injury
- The joints of the arms or legs should not be tense while in the contracted muscle position.
- Muscle soreness and fatigue may appear 2–3 days after muscle training. Which these symptoms will disappear after about 2-3 weeks of repeated exercise.